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Akkademja Mużikali

Writer's picture: Josef SpiteriJosef Spiteri

Updated: Dec 13, 2021

Sibt 4 ta' Diċembru 2021

Din l-Akkdemja Mużikali qed ssir sabiex nfakkru l-Mitt sena minn meta beda l-Kult lejn Marija Immakulata fil-Hamrun u qed tittella' bl-għajnuna tas-Segretarjat għas-Sport, Rekreazzjoni u l-Għaqdiet tal-Volontarjat u l-Kunsill Malti għas-Settur Volontarju taħt il-proġett Small Inistiative Supprt Scheme. F'din l-attivita' ser tispikka l-parteċipazzjoni taż-żgħażagħ u l-inklużjoni ta' nies b'diżabilita', u waqt l-istess Akkademja ser ssir gabra b'risq d-Dar tal-Providenza. L-Akkademja Mużikali ser tkun taħt id-direzzjoni tas-Surmast Direttur il-Maġġur John Ivan Borg u l-assistent Surmast Direttiur Mro Anthony Carbnaro.


It-Tenur Alan Sciberras

Maltese tenor Alan Sciberras started his career as an opera singer in 2016 and took part in Master classes with Miriam Gauci, Gioacchino Jack Li Vigni, Nelly Miricioiu-Kirk, David Gowland and Salvatore Fisichella. In July 2017 he made his debut as Rodolfo in La Boheme in Teatro Eschilo, Gela while taking part in the Mediterranean Opera Studio & Festival and in the same year he performed for world renowned Italian baritone Leo Nucci, who received the coveted Premio Illica d’Oro in Castell’ Arquato. Last year he took part in a Open air concert Titled the Three Tennors which was held in Floriana.


Il-Baritonu Ivan Vella

Baritone Ivan Vella began his musical career with the group Act React under the direction of Ray Mangion. He then participated in multiple concerts with the Amadeus Chamber Choir and was featured soloist during their tour to Poland. He was part of the Manoel Opera chorus for the production of “Aleko” under Maestro Brian Schembri.

Ivan appeared for the first time as soloist with Christ the King Band Club in a concert in Paola. Maestro Joe Fenech invited him then to perform as soloist for the “Souvenir D’Italie” concert at the Salesian Theatre. Following that success, he was asked to take on his first big operatic role as Dulcamara in the Donizetti opera, “Elisir d’Amore” and performed to a full house for the Malta Cultural Institute under the baton of Andre Paul Huber. He also joined the TMYO (Teatru Manoel Youth Opera) were he did various concerts. Apart of that Ivan sang in various concert with the St. Paul Orchestra under the direction of Mro Mark Agius Ivan began his vocal studies with Ruth Sammut and Brian Cefai, and furthered his studies with mezzo-soprano Deborah Harrison and has appeared as soloist in her “Deborah & Friends” Christmas concerts at St. Patrick’s Church in Sliema. Lately he studied with soprano Miriam Cauchi and now with Albert Buttigieg.

Il-Kantanta Francesca Borg

Francesca Borg born on the 31st of March 1992 is a young and talented Gozitan singer which started singing at the age of seven. During the early years she took part in several festivals in Gozo where she started to impress local audiences with early stage performances. In 2010 Francesca went through the semi-finals of the Malta song for Europe with the song “I surrender” composed by Domnic Cini and lyrics by Mario Farrugia. In February 2010 Francesca was invited by Sigmund Mifsud, the national orchestra maestro to sing along in the “Sliema Big Band Concert” were she gave out a magnificent performance. Later on that year she went through the finals of the “Kanzunetta Indipendenza” with the maltese song “Sejhulna” meaning “Call us” composed by Jason Paul Cassar and lyrics by Mario Farrugia. Francesca’s greatest performance was back in 2012 were she qualified with the 24 finalists of the Malta song for Europe 2012, with the song “Take me far” composed by Marco Debono and with lyrics by Doris Chetcuti. Singing is everything for Francesca and her ambitions in her career are to open her own “Vocal training school” and to represent her beloved country in diverse, prestigious events and festivals.


Il-Vjolinista Christabelle Scerri

Christabelle Scerri began her musical studies at age of 5.

Throughout her career, Christabelle actively participated in many music festivals and popular events.

Christabelle forms part of the Palace Strings Orcehstra which is a string ensemble for all genres of concerts and celebrations.

Christabelle graduated in BSC.HOME Economics and is currently undergoing studies to obtain her Masters in Teaching.

Il-Vjolinist Bernard Curmi

Bernard Curmi Born on September 23rd, 2004, from Pieta'.

He has been performing actively in many music festivals and popular events.

He is violonist with the Malat Youth Orchestra since 2006 and is studying ar MCAST Institute of Creative Arts. Bernard is a musician following his fathers'. He bears the name of the Curmi family, in fact his father is Gorg Curmi better known as "Il-Puse".


Kor Parrokjali Immakulata Kunċizzjoni

Il-Kor P

arrokjali Immakulata Kunċizzjoni Ħamrun twaqqaf mill-Kappillan Dun Manwel Agius. Kanta l-ewwel darba lejlet il-festa tal-Kunċizzjoni fil-quddiesa fis-7 ta’ Dicembru 1982. Is-sur Harry Bonello, mill-belt Valletta, kien l-ewwel surmast. F’Settembru 1991 (30 sena ilu) Francis Pace ħa t-tmexxija tal-kor. Żvilupp importanti kien meta, minbarra s-sehem tal-kor matul is-sena liturgika kollha, fis-sena 1992 kor (u orkestra) beda jiehu sehem fil-quddiesa solenni tal-festa li ssir kull sena fl-ewwel Hadd ta’ Lulju.

Il-kor parrokjali ħa sehem f’bosta servizzi, bħal Prima Messa ta’ Sacerdoti, anniversarji etc. anke barra mill-parrocca taghna. Ghal diversi snin morna ferraħna lil pazjenti fl-isptarijiet bil-kant tal-ghanjiet tal-Milied. Ghal xi snin il-kor (u orkestra) kien imexxi quddiesa solenni tal-festa San Guzepp, fil-Knisja Arcipretali tal-Hamrun. Okkazjoni unika kienet meta fid-19 ta’ Gunju 2002, il-kor (organista Richard Caruana u l-baritonu Albert Buttigieg) anima quddiesa bil-kant ġewwa il-Kon-Kattidral ta’ San Ġwann il-Belt fl-anniversarju tal- 25 sena sacerdotali ta’ numru ta’ sacerdoti fosthom Mons Joseph Bajada mill-Parroċċa taghna. Ghalhekk is-sena 2022 hija sena importanti. Il-kor jaghlaq 40 sena mit-twaqqif tieghu.


320 ewro hija somma miġbura waqt l-Akkademja ta' nhar is-Sibt b'Risq id-Dar tal-Providenza. Din is-somma ser tiġi preżentata lid-Direttur Fr Martin nhar l-Erbgħa 8 ta' Diċembru fis-6.30pm waqt il-quddiesa Solenni f'gieh Ommna Marija Immakulata Kuncizzjoni. Grazzi lil kulħadd. Jekk hemm min jixtieq iżid ma' din is-somma javviċina lil xi hadd mill-Kumitat jew jattendi għall-quddiesa Solenni.


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